Archive for June, 2013

So Much Traveling!

I’m back from another adventure! (And will be leaving for another one in 3 days. So. Much. Traveling.)

Last week Chad and I took our youth on a mission trip to Atlanta where we worked with the 7 Bridges to Recovery team to pass out lunches and pray with the homeless. It was an amazing experience to watch our youth step up and pray with total strangers out on the streets of Atlanta. We definitely saw a change in our kids last week. God started a fire within our youth group, and I can’t wait to see what happens in the future! Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Peoples’ “homes” underneath an overpass.


Praying for and loving on the people of Atlanta.


We spent the weekend unpacking, doing laundry, and trying to unwind from the trip. This week has been all about getting back to a somewhat normal routine. Even though there never really is a normal routine during the summer.


Monday morning I couldn’t make myself get up in time for a workout before work, so I went to the gym after. I warmed up on the treadmill with 5 minutes of walking and 5 minutes of sprinting intervals then went through Tina’s Move It Monday workout.


Tuesday was a run day, and because it’s SO humid outside, I went to the gym to do 3 miles on the treadmill.


Nothing fast. I wanted to just keep an easy pace because I haven’t really been on my running game lately. That probably needs to change since I have a 5 mile race on Saturday. Ooops.

Wednesday I went to the gym after work again, and after 10 minutes on the treadmill, I did another one of Tina’s workouts. This time I tried the “Drop It Like It’s Hot” drop set workout.


You can read all about what drop sets are on her page if you don’t know what they are. I would recommend doing them every once in a while to change up your workout.

Today I had another easy 3 mile run planned, but I’m pretty sore all over from both of Tina’s workouts and don’t know if it’s going to happen. If it does, it’ll be this afternoon on the treadmill. Like I said earlier, I’ve got a race this weekend, so I probably need to make this run happen today.

Let’s talk about something different mkay?


As far as breakfasts, I’ve been all about oatmeal this week. Okay, so I’m always ย all about oatmeal.


I love adding fresh blueberries!


Lunches have been avocado themed again this week. Yesterday I mixed a can of tuna with some avocado and topped it with sriracha.


For dinner on Monday night, we decided to pull some steaks from the freezer and grill out. Best decision ever!


I also threw some asparagus in a foil pack along with salt, lemon pepper, and a little lemon juice.


Tuesday night I was on my own, so I burned cooked tilapia (seasoned with basil, garlic, and parmesan) in the skillet and roasted some baby carrots and corn in the oven. Simple, easy, and delicious.


Yesterday was church night, so I brought a salad to eat for dinner. Nothing special.

Tonight I’m going to try to make a zucchini lasagna. I’ve never done it before, but I’ve seen it all over the place, so we’ll see how this goes. ๐Ÿ˜‰


In other news, I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this yet, but Chad and I have recently become obsessed withย Lost.ย We started season 1 on Netflix back in the spring and haven’t stopped. We’re about to finish up season 3, and after our trip to the beach next week, I see us finishing the show by the end of the summer.

So as I just said, we’ll be traveling AGAIN next week, this time for a beach trip with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. We weren’t planning on taking a beach trip this summer, but we got invited along to help out with the kids, so I’m really excited! BUT, I know eating healthy wont be at the top of my priorities, so that’s why it was really important for me to eat as clean as I could this week. So far so good!

I’m off to a meeting now, and I’ll hopefully have some exciting news to share soon! ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Thursday!

June 27, 2013 at 11:02 am 2 comments

Workouts, Food, and Life

Happy Friday! ๐Ÿ™‚

I’ve got another week of traveling coming up on Sunday, so I’ve been using this week to relax and enjoy my off time (besides the 2 hours of work I had Mon-Thurs).


Workouts have been good this week minus the non existent workout on Monday. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Tuesday: Track speed run

Wednesday: Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders all by my lonesome. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

Thursday: Treadmill interval run

Friday: Back and Biceps with my gym buddy! ๐Ÿ™‚



Clean eating has been so easy this week! Maybe my body is craving healthy foods after 2 weeks of crap? Who knows, but I’m not complaining.

I’ve been having oatmeal or eggs for breakfast.



I’ve also been LOVING wraps for lunch, and they always include avocado.


I’ve really been craving avocado because last night’s dinner was a huge taco salad (made with ground turkey) topped with, you guessed it, avocado.

taco salad


I’ve been spending the rest of my free time lounging, laying out/swimming, and hanging out at my parents’ house. I know, how cool am I? haha I love being at my mom’s though, especially when the whole family is together. And getting to cuddle with this big buddy is a plus. ๐Ÿ™‚


I’m hoping to get in some more pool time today and figure out something fun to do tonight. Tomorrow I’m planning on a 5 mile run on the TVA trails. Then I’ll be spending some time with my father-in-law and dad for Father’s Day weekend! We’re heading out of town Sunday afternoon, so we’ve got to do all our Father’s Day stuff before then.

Have a happy Friday and Father’s Day Weekend! ๐Ÿ™‚

June 14, 2013 at 11:33 am 2 comments

I’m Really Bad at This

You guys… I can’t even begin to explain how busy I’ve been over the past three weeks! I’m glad blogging isn’t my job because I’m really bad at it when my life gets too crazy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

First up on my list of things I had to do was to get through the last week of school which included lots of graduations and special services at church for our seniors. Then we went on a 5 days cruise to the Eastern Caribbean islands. It was wonderful, but sadly the weather wasn’t the best. We had fun anyway!

cruise 1

cruise 2


We got home from the cruise on a Saturday night and left the very next Sunday afternoon to attend the Methodist Annual Conference in Birmingham. It was a three day conference, but I didn’t go to many of the events. Mostly I was just Chad’s chauffeur. I did run in a charity 5k for missions on Sunday night though. It was hot, late (the race started at 9:30 pm), and SUPER hilly. We ran about 3 laps around the Birmingham Southern College campus, and it might have been my worst race ever. haha Oh well, all for a good cause! ๐Ÿ™‚


I had one day to recover before heading out for another three day event. This time I attended a spiritual retreat called The Walk to Emmaus. It was such a special weekend that I can’t even describe with words, so I wont try! ๐Ÿ˜‰ All I can say is if you ever get a chance to attend, DO IT! ๐Ÿ™‚ Going on an Emmaus Walk was also part of my 30 Before 30 list. So I can officially cross it off!


I got home late Sunday night and crashed into bed. This week I teach music at our summer school program, so on Monday I woke up early to get my room and lessons ready. I have a very short schedule and only teach two 30 minute classes with 1 hour of planning time built into the schedule. So I’m only working for 2 hours a day. After lunch on Monday I accidentally took a 3 hour nap. I guess I was more tired than I thought. Chad and I went to get groceries and ended up picking up Subway for dinner and going to bed shortly after eating.


Tuesday I got back into the swing of things by doing some speed intervals at the high school track.ย I ran to the track for a 1/2 mile warm-up, stretched, and then completed the following intervals:

10 seconds: Sprint ย 20 seconds: Run ย 30 seconds: Walk

After 4 rounds of that, I jogged for 2 minutes before doing it again. Then I ran/walked home.

run and breakfast

I followed up my run with some overnight oats topped with fresh blueberries and almond butter!

After work, I came home and made a wrap for lunch that had spinach, black beans, avocado, cucumber, and sriracha.

lunch 1

I spent the afternoon in my favorite spot! ๐Ÿ™‚


Then made dinner: Chicken breast with a roasted tomato salsa and a side of fresh pineapple. (I swear there’s chicken underneath all that salsa!) You can find the recipe for the chicken and salsa here. It was so good!



I’m sure this is more information that you want right now. I hate when I’m away from the blog for so long because I feel like I have so much catching up to do, but I don’t want to bore you all with long posts. I’ll have to catch up on yesterday and today’s workouts/food later tonight or tomorrow. Until then….

Thanks for reading. Happy Thursday! ๐Ÿ™‚

June 13, 2013 at 11:25 am 3 comments

Hello, I'm Grace! I'm a 24 year old living in a small town in Alabama. I'm married and have the most amazing job teaching music to elementary students. I blog about healthy eating, exercising, running, and the random things that happen in my life. I've recently completed my second half marathon and can't wait to pursue that 26.2!

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